Easy Crafty Boxy School Bus

Toddler Activites, Crafts, Games www.toddlertoddler.com : Easy Crafty Boxy School Bus

Easy Crafty Boxy School Bus!
With just a few recyclable pieces from things you use, you and your child can create a fun boxy bus to play with!

1)I took an empty resealable baggie box and an egg carton. Cut the top off the baggie box and cut out about 4 cups from the egg carton. You might need to see how many will fit in the box you have. Fit the egg carton cups inside the box, and glue it to the bottom of the box if you want.

Toddler Activites, Crafts, Games www.toddlertoddler.com : Easy Crafty Boxy School Bus Supplies

2) Then have your child help choose the color of the bus and pick out some construction paper. You’ll also need some black paper to make the wheels. Be creative…all buses aren’t yellow! :)

3) Cut out two sides for the bus and let your toddler help you glue them to the sides of the box. Then cut out the wheels and let your child help you glue them on too. Toddler Activites, Crafts, Games www.toddlertoddler.com : Easy Crafty Boxy School Bus Step2

4) Now comes the fun part! Find some of the little people he plays with and have him transport them on the rug. He can slide them on the rug or the kitchen floor to you. Then you can take them out and slide it back to him.

 Supplies Needed-
– resealable baggie box (small)
– egg crate
– Glue
– scissors ( for adults only)
– construction paper
– bus riders! :)

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