Make a Potty Train!

A Potty Train
Train… as in CHOO CHOO!!! Jump on the Potty Express! Yes, with this activity you will make a train of items that your toddler will take to the potty, for that special potty training event. You’ll need some ribbon, 3 small boxes, construction paper, and some tape. Take construction paper and cover the sides of the boxes. Then cut out some small circles for the wheels and tape/glue them to each box. To connect the boxes together just take a small strip of construction paper and tape it to the inside front of the last box , then tape the other side to the inside back of the box in front. Do the same for the next box. Then for the front box, tape a single long ribbon to the front inside. See photo. Next have your toddler pick a favorite small “potty” book, toy, and stickers. Put each item in a box and keep the train nearby for that run to the bathroom. Have your toddler pull the train to the bathroom so that the items are nearby for the event.


Supplies Needed:
3 small boxes (sizes will depend on the size of the toy and book you use)
– small book
– small toy
– stickers
– ribbon
– scissors
– tape/glue
– colored construction paper

Your toddler might just enjoy pulling the potty train around, whether it’s potty time or not. Just go with it!
– Toddler shoe boxes or sandwich bag boxes are a perfect size for this activity.
– While you are covering the boxes with paper, review the colors you are using.
– When you make the wheels, review the shape of a circle.
– You might even let your toddler color the boxes with crayons or markers after you have covered them with paper. 

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4 thoughts on “Make a Potty Train!

  • May 31, 2012 at 9:08 am

    I have tried so many things to potty train my daughter (she will be 2 in a week) and nothing works!! This seems like such a great idea!! I cant wait to try it out :)

  • June 1, 2012 at 1:29 pm

    I am doing this today! What a great idea!

  • October 25, 2013 at 3:22 pm

    This is ridiculous! If you are trying to potty train a child, you try many different methods and they don’t work then back off the poor kid THEY ARNT READY! People get absolutely stupid over potty training. It is perfectly fine if your kid is “almost two” and not potty trained yet! Stop pushing them to grow up. Trust me they will be there before you know it. Some kiddos are ready well before others, its called “individualism” embrace it. You don’t need silly crap like this train to teach your child to use the toilet. You need patience, and the ability to let go of some of that control and follow their lead. In fact bringing junk like books and toys into the bathroom (aside from being gross) is distracting. Are you there to play or to use the potty? Use some common sense and you will be just fine!

  • February 18, 2014 at 6:44 am

    I totally agree with Dawn, trying to push a child into doing something that they are not developmentally able to do, sets them up for failure, this in turn also compromises their self esteem, confidence and the way they see themselves and their abilities.

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