Toddler Game: Easy Maze “Round-the-cereal-box”

My child loves cereal so we have tons of cereal boxes around. I always hate to just throw them out since there are just so many things to do with them. :)

So for this activity you can make a fun maze that goes around a cereal box. Start with turning the box inside out and taping back together.


Next, sketch out with a pencil a circle on one side with a little guy in the middle. Then draw 4 curvy lines around the box, on the sides and onto the backside.


Here’s how the backside turned out. At the end of each of the four lines, I drew a shape. You can draw whatever you like, numbers, letters, houses, or anything that you think your toddler will like.  These lines are going to be erased, but they will help to guide the lines for the actual path that you will draw.


Now take a thick marker and draw on either side of each curvy pencil line to make a path.


I made sure the lines were thick and I colored in the shapes on the back. Now you can have your toddler start at the little guy and choose a path. Let her use her finger to follow along the path around the box to see what shape he ends up at. Once she gets to the shape, celebrate, throw in a hi-five and try a new path.



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